Purpose Awaits
Invest in Your Journey and Know what Your Best Life Could Be
Get on the Pathway to Purpose and Find Out!
Tools For the Journey
Identify Your Hidden Strengths
FREE PREVIEWStrength WordCloud Activity
Reach for Your Values
Values WordCloud Activity
What is the Self-Concept?
Self-Esteem and the Emotional Self
In this 90-day online course, you will receive the blueprint for shifting your life from a list of projects to a life of purpose. You will explore how you see yourself, how you see the world, and how you can create a vision that is executable. Tiffany will guide you through five sections with activities, journaling, and a free live mini coaching session once you complete your course.
Learn How to Reset Your Mindset
Clarify Your Values and Identify Your Personal Strengths
Gain insight on Your Self-Concept
Find the career paths that are centered in your purpose
Create A Map that helps you see where your journey is heading